Finding Love on the Side of a Washington Highway
We had just finished a rather lazy day of bouldering next to the Wenatchee River. The temps were finally becoming more agreeable and because our time in Leavenworth was winding down, we decided to make the most of the lengthening spring days and head to one more area before making dinner and turning in for the night. The four of us jumped in the van, fired it up and began pulling out of the parking area to head down the highway. On the roadside, I spotted a head of thick brown curls, laying on top of a kayak.

"I wonder if he needs a ride." I pondered aloud. "No he kind of looks like he's sleeping." I continued talking half to myself and half to Chelsea. "Should I ask? Maybe not. Actually, I'm going to ask." We don't pick up hitchhikers often because we don't have any extra seats, and this guy wasn't even hitching, he looked like he was taking a pleasant nap. For some reason though, I felt compelled to crank down the window and poke my head out.
"Hey! Do you need a ride?" I inquired.
The curls popped up and the kayaker smiled broadly. "Sure!" He replied. (He didn't need a ride. His friend was kayaking a lower section of the river and was about to come up the road and shuttle him back to his truck). "Well, actually, my boat is all wet and so am I." He had obviously noticed the pristine condition of the van and felt bad about the possibility of getting it dirty.

I told him it was no problem and we slid open the side door, threw his boat in with the pups and he hopped in and squatted between the two front seats. He asked what we were up to, commented on the van, and the chalkboard cupboards that listed all the destinations we had visited so far this year. We drove up Tumwater Canyon until we spotted a red truck at a pull out. "That's my home," he said smiling and pointing. He thanked us for the ride and hopped out. As we were about to pull away, he ran up to my window. He informed us that he would be at the brewery later with a couple friends and that we should maybe swing by. We chatted there by the side of the river for a bit, and I smiled as he streamed from one topic to the next, his thoughts tumbling quickly, but eloquently, from his lips. Brian.
We parted ways, not exchanging numbers or confirming the time that he would be at the brewery, but with a 'maybe we'll see ya later' that somehow felt like a definite confirmation that our paths would cross again soon. Chelsea and I continued to the boulders and had a very high gravity session that ended with images of pints dancing in our minds. We decided that we would casually roll by the brewery and see if there were any signs of a group of kayakers being there, as we had no idea what time they were planning to rendezvous. Something about being in a huge grey van makes you less than stealthy, and as we drove by the brewery scoping it out, a large group of boaters heads turned and we were noticed. "Well, I guess that settles it," we said, "we are going to the brewery!"
We spent a few hours at the brewery, enjoying some tasty beers courtesy of Brian and learning all about 'going to church' and the claw from the paddlers. After a while everyone began to head off in different directions. Earlier, Brian had mentioned that he was housesitting and said house had a shower. "Oooh, you know how to sweet talk the ladies!" I had replied excitedly. The opportunity for a free shower is few and far between and very, very valuable. We got the address from Brian's friend, and they biked off as we prepared the van. Somewhere in the address exchange, some numbers got transposed and we spent a few tense moments driving up and down the street trying to find a house number that didn't exist. Of course, we still hadn't exchanged numbers so we had no way of contacting Brian. I briefly wondered if we would see our new friend again. I suggested we try driving a bit further up the street and at that moment, Brian popped out of the house and crossed the street to get something from his truck. Relieved, we parked in front of his truck and headed inside.
Showers were not to be the first order of business, and before we knew it, we were all riding bikes through town and poaching a hot tub. We soaked for hours, hopped back on the bikes and headed towards the van. Chelsea was beyond excited to be riding a bike for the first time in a while. She zoomed off down the street. I was on a cruiser and wasn't getting anywhere very fast. Brian biked up beside me. "Come here often?" he asked, and we shared smiles and biked off into the night.

Somehow it was decided that we were all going to paddle inflatable kayaks the next day. Brian and his friend Chris assured us that we would be going down a mellow section and that we could definitely handle it. Chelsea and I had taken IKs down the Colorado and we weren't too nervous, but we are also marginally terrified of water so we just hoped that everything would go well. Brian and Chris gave us a paddle talk and we prepared to launch. We were told to paddle up river at an angle so we could get in the middle before turning and heading down river. For some reason, when I jumped in my boat everything started happening really fast and I was headed down river instead of to the middle. I immediately got stuck in a hole. I wasn't sure what to do so I just kept paddling, but I wasn't going anywhere. Brian, used to his river kayak, thought he would just bump me out and we would all be on our way. Unfortunately, when he bumped me he went flying out of his boat and into the river. Shoot! I looked back and Chelsea was on her way right towards me and before I knew it, she was in the river too! Chris had barely gotten into his boat and here I was stuck in a hole and our other two paddlers were swimming. After Chelsea's boat hit me, I popped out of the hole and was able to eddy out. It was surprising how fast everything happened on the water, but reassuring to hear Brian's calm explanations of what to do. We completed two laps, Chelsea and I swam multiple times, and it was simultaneously exhilarating and completely terrifying. Brian and Chris were in dry suits, but Chelsea and I weren't and we were freezing by the end of the second lap. It was time for that promised shower. Yes!
Later that day, the Icicle came up and Brian and Chris got amped to go paddle. We said we would help them run the shuttle, so we all headed up the canyon. At the end of the lap, Brian took his boat out of the water and was exhilarated. It's rare to see a passion like that, it was almost tangible. "Do you mind if we do another lap?!" he asked. Of course we didn't. Then he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. Then, not to leave anyone out, he looked around and leaned over and kissed Chelsea on the cheek. Brian and I ended up in the same shuttle car back to the top of the run and apologized for kissing me in front of everyone and said he hoped that it was ok. According to him, I had an ear to ear grin on my face as I told him that it was fine. I won't deny that.

That night after dinner Brian grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet to dance. He swirled me around the kitchen as we giggled. We spent the rest of the week with each other. We rode bikes, we took the dogs hiking, we cooked meals together, and we danced around the house, we went on car rides, we talked, we shared stories and photos, we watched movies, and we read books together. In between this, Chelsea and I continued to climb, and Brian continued to paddle and I would look at Chelsea wide-eyed and say "I'm scared. What's happening!?" I knew what was happening, I was falling in love, but I was terrified because it was all happening so quickly. After spending five days together, it was time to part ways. Brian was going to paddle the Sultan, and Chelsea and I were heading to Seattle.
Brian looked at me very sincerely and explained that what he was about to say might be crazy but he didn't know when he would see me again and he felt like he needed to say it before I left. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you too," I replied. We realized how crazy this would seem to others, but we also knew that we had something incredibly special. And with that, we went our separate ways. Over the next few months we communicated via love letters and phone calls. We saw each other briefly here and there in our travels and each meeting confirmed how right being together felt. It has now been six months since we met, and every day Brian finds a way to make me happy, to bring a smile to my face, and to make me feel special. Life on the road brings adventure, fun, excitement, and sometimes, very beautiful surprises.